Contract Leak Testing and Consulting
We offer this service to customers that need to meet their production goals and either do not own leak detection equipment or need extra testing capacity. We perform this service either in house at our facility in Richardson, Texas or at the customers facility or job site.
We have a vast collection of tooling to connect to the parts to be tested. We also have in house machining and welding capability so that we can design and build custom tooling as the need arises. Because of these capabilities we have developed a reputation for quick setup and turn around of customer orders.
For customers that are new to helium Leak Testing or want to improve their existing procedures we offer consulting that includes a comprehensive evaluation of their requirements to determine that correct test method, writing of specifications and test procedures and fabrication of the tooling. We will then perform the testing and evaluate the viability of helium Leak Testing for their product.
With our vast experience in manufacturing of leak tight components, we will also assist the customer in their fabrication and assembly procedures to insure a minimum amount of defects in their products.

                             IN HOUSE

We have both console leak and portable units that are operational and ready to go at a moments notice.

Our bench testing of high purity and critical components is performed under a clean air hood and with an oil free dry leak detector to eliminate contaminates. We can also double bag and seal the components.

Our test chambers range in size from .5L to 500L for performing inside out leak testing on hermetically sealed components.

We have helium bombing chambers for pre charging hermetically sealed or water proof components.

We have a vast array of adaptors to connect to the customers part to be tested.
We also have in house machining and welding capability to build custom connections

                          ON SITE
We have portable leak detectors that are ready to either be delivered or shipped to the customer site.
We also have various portable high volume auxiliary pumping stations to assist the leak detector on large chambers or tanks that need testing.

We have all the accessories necessary to perform the testing including portable helium bottles with spray guns and the calibrated leaks.